I was discussing the blog with a colleague the other day and mentioned that this week’s post would be on Friday, August 13. No big deal—I typically post on Thursdays…
Tag: home loan
A Perfect Lawn, Yet To Be Determined
We are well into summer, there’s no doubt about that. It’s so hot, you could cook a Mynok egg on the pavement! I would know, as my spaceship is docked…
Dad Jokes & Marketing
I had the opportunity this week to listen in on the latest Ask the Experts session facilitated by the myCUmortgage Training Team. If you haven’t attended any of these sessions,…
Mortgage Myths & Crop Circles
Do you remember MythBusters? It was one of your Earth television shows featuring a couple of inquisitive yet skeptical hosts who, with the help of a well-trained, “do not try…
Lost in a Litany of Loan Lingo
During a recent virtual meeting, I started hearing some new terms and acronyms that were unfamiliar to me. Granted, it was an IT-related meeting, and I know they have a…
Digital Continues Providing Dynamic Experiences
It’s hard to believe that it’s been over one year since the pandemic changed the way all of us go about business and life. I still remember the day when…
Can I Get an Ayyyyyy!
Over my recent holiday break, when I wasn’t upgrading the solar shield on my spaceship or updating launch algorithms, I was able to catch up on some wholesome Earth entertainment…
Teamwork: The Best Gift of the Holidays & Beyond
As I sit here in my levitating commander’s chair and write this post, I realized that we are amidst the holiday season. And it isn’t just one holiday, but many.…